Wednesday, May 02, 2012

My Biggest Parenting Mistake...

I've made a few mistakes along the way in parenting: I haven't always been the best judge of character. Sometimes I've not always prioritized as I should have.
But there's a parenting mistake that I used to make that far outweighed all of those things.
That mistake was...
Worrying and not praying.
Quite frankly, prayer was the last thing on my mind when I was faced with difficult situations. I worried first, scrambled to find an answer second, called everyone I could think of third, and finally, when all else failed, I prayed. But those prayers were usually hot tempered demands for God to act on my behalf and deliver me from my position between a rock and a hard place.
However, once you've spent a few nights on a hard bed that you made, and once you've been stuck at a rock in a hard place a few times, you start to realize that maybe the problem isn't on God's end, but on yours.
So now, I worry less and pray more. The bible says "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not to thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy paths". You just gotta love that word "shall" because it is a word of PROMISE!
No matter what you're going through today... maybe you're a single mother like me in need of direction and help. Maybe you're just someone who feels like God is light years away and couldn't care less about what you're going through. I'm here to tell you that He cares. In order to receive the best from Him, you must humble yourself. God doesn't take orders from you. He's willing to help you but sometimes, He'll first help you to see where your attitude stinks.
There are plenty of things to deal with as a human being but especially as a parent. We make mistakes along the way. But whatever you do, don't make putting the Lord at the bottom of your list the biggest mistake.
Let Him be the head of your life. He'll lead you in right paths and you won't have to spend all of your days worrying about everything.
Let Him take control.

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