The Vision

Melissa Lewis believes that it takes a vision to obtain success both naturally and spiritually.
This is the vision of "The Diary of A Baby Mama":

1. Inspire
Whether you're a business professional or stay-at-home-mom, the goal is to inspire the greatness within you,regardless of where you are in life.
2. Relate
In a world where the fake and phony takes center stage, it's good to know that someone isn't afraid to stand for Christ but keep their struggles real. No one is perfect but grace is available to us all.
3. Motivate
By providing a sneak peek into the life of this Christian single mom and her guest moms, the hope is that you would be motivated to live a more abundant life in your own sphere. Live BIG! Don't settle for mediocrity.
4. Facilitate
Allow Diary to become a ministry tool and resource to other young women you may know and love. We're better together!