Thursday, August 11, 2005

Happy Birthday!

Hello Baby.
Happy birthday! You're 7 weeks today. According to, you're the size of a small raspberry. This has been a rough week for mommy physically. I haven't felt too well but other than that, I'm ok.
You're still very small but I have so much to do to get ready for you! I can't wait to find out whether or not you're a boy or girl. That'll probably be another month or two from now. That'll be here before you know it.
I must admit that I'm fearful at times. I want to be the best mommy I can be. You deserve the very best, but in my heart, I know the best I can give you is not material things; it's unconditional love. Even though I'm not holding you in my arms yet, you're still very dear to me. I pray for you and I ask God to keep you safe so that you'll continue to grow, healthy and strong. You're going to be ok little one. I just know it in my heart.
There are some very special people who you will come to meet very soon. Your daddy is a handsome man and I'm almost certain you'll look a lot like him. We're working hard to be good parents for you. Your grandmama is such a sweet lady. You'll love all of her hugs and kisses. Your Auntie Sarah has a beautiful smile. She likes to shop and I'm sure she'll give you so many cute little outfits. Your cousin Loucarol will be like another auntie to you. She'll be there when you're born also. Your grandpa likes kisses and I'm sure he'll give you plenty just like he gave me when I was little. Uncle Mike is a good friend of mine and he'll show you lots of love and attention too.
There are so many people who are looking forward to your arrival next year. Mommy feels a little overwhelmed by it all. I always wanted you but I never thought it would happen so soon. I'm excited and I can't wait until you're in my arms.
We have a doctor's appointment in a little over two weeks from now. During the next visit, I might even get to hear your heartbeat for the first time. Mommy wants that to be a special time between the two of us so I'm not inviting anyone to go with me for that visit. It'll be just you and me.
Already, I think you have a personality. You like good food and you don't have much of a sweet tooth. I haven't craved sweets much at all, and we both love Italian food. There are some things that you don't particularly care for anymore (like Raisin Bran and V8) but that's ok. You're a joy so far. Forgive mommy for worrying so much. I hope it doesn't disturb you. I just have a lot to do in a very short time to get ready for you. You'll need a place to sleep, clothes to wear, diapers, bottles, and blankets. I can't wait to start shopping for everything you'll need.

Well sweetie, mommy loves you and soon you'll know just how much.