Thursday, September 22, 2011

Tweeting My Heart Out...

I wanted to share with those of you that may or may not follow me on Twitter (@Mel_Ann78) a brief testimony of the emotional abuse I endured at the hands of my ex boyfriend from the age of 19-27. Please begin reading from bottom to top as Twitter posts the most recent post first. I pray that as you read this, you or someone you know who is in an emotionally abusive relationship will find hope and strength. You may feel that you don't have the strength to let go. But the truth is, it's costing you all of your strength to endure the abuse. Blessings my dear sisters. There is HOPE! If you need help, feel free to reach out to me via Twitter, Facebook or email: I will pray. I will help.
I care.

 Melissa Lewis 

Seven years later, I have more joy & peace than ever. If u r strong enough 2 bear the pain, you're strong enough 2 let it go. U can b free.
 Melissa Lewis 

I remember the peace I felt when he left because the pain of losing him was less than the pain of staying with him. I could breathe-live.
 Melissa Lewis 

I decided one day that even if my life didn't get any better, I couldn't let it get worse from staying with him. I was ready 2 leave.
 Melissa Lewis 

I remember the day I woke up and realized that this had 2 end. God wasn't going to send a neon sign. He wanted me 2 observe & 2 decide.
 Melissa Lewis 

I remember having to talk to my friends in secret, knowing I'd catch hell if he found out I disobeyed him. He was like a 2nd angry dad.
 Melissa Lewis 

I remember the time I accepted pain & dysfunction as realities in my life. Unchallenged. Undisputed. Settled for.
 Melissa Lewis 

I kno what it's like 2 have friends & fam do all they can 2 say you're worth more than this. And I remember not believing a word they said.
 Melissa Lewis 

I know what it feels like to think it would be easier to die than to live without him. I remember the day the Truth pierced thru that lie!
 Melissa Lewis 

I know what it feels like to wake up in despair, thinking "this is the best there is. He's all I have or ever can have".
 Melissa Lewis 

I know wat it feels like to hear insult after insult, put down after put down daily. Know how scary "leaving" feels & nt just fear of safety
 Melissa Lewis 

Although I was never physically beaten, I kno what it feels like 2 sit n my car & not want 2 enter my own home 4 fear of drama. There's HOPE
 Melissa Lewis 

My heart was full of compassion for Taylor Armstrong 2day on. So many women suffer in silence as she did. But there's HOPE!

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