Thursday, September 01, 2011

Life, Health, & Strength...

I'm taking a breather from a rather exhausting attempt at cleaning my bedroom. After about a week of battling this upper respiratory infection I've been about as mobile and capable as the edge of my bed. Needless to say, trying to police an entire house from this radius turns became futile. I found shoes, dolls, books, plates, cups and all sorts of nonsense under my bed, not to mention the usual "sick room" paraphernalia. But I'm so happy to report that my strength is returning to me. As a matter of fact, yesterday I woke up feeling so much better than when I laid down to sleep. What a difference a day makes! I was feeling so sick the day before that it came as a pleasant surprise that I was feeling so noticeably better in such a short time.
I knew I was getting better when I had enough strength to stand at the sink and wash the dishes, which by then was full on both sides. I knew I was getting better when I tackled cleaning my children's bedroom and won. I ran a fever last night but that's ok. I was just glad to have some STRENGTH back.
When I was younger, the older saints used to stand and testify during testimony service. The first thing they would say was, "I wanna thank and praise God for my life, health and strength..." That sure didn't mean very much to me then, but boy, does it mean a lot now!
By the age of 33, you realize that you're not as young as you used to be. You also realize that although you're in relatively good health and strength now, it's so easy for that to be compromised. By the time you're into your 30's, you realize just what true riches are.
I must say, I'm feeling pretty wealthy today.

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